What is being proposed in this application?
This application proposes 2 warehouse buildings with office space on the east side of the former Foster Wheeler property. The first building would have 225,000 square feet of warehouse space and 12,000 square feet of office space. The second building has 383,000 square feet of warehouse space with 20,000 square feet of office space. The configuration of the site plan is not compatible for an Amazon/ big box fulfillment center.
What are the traffic impacts of the proposed development?
We will submit a traffic study for consideration that will analyze the current traffic, anticipated impacts of the proposed development, and the impacts of the fictional  340,000 Research Facility that would be considered a permitted use.  The peak hours for the proposed development would be weekdays in the evening and would include 200 fewer trips than the proposed fictional permitted-use research facility. However, the proposed warehouse project would increase truck traffic by 38 trips during this peak hour time.

Depending on the tenant, the facility may have some ability to control delivery and departure times and would work closely with the Township to lessen the truck traffic impacts as much as feasible.

Shelbourne is committed to increased enforcement of truck traffic along local roads.
Will my taxes be impacted?
Residents' taxes are anticipated to be positively impacted as a result of the proposed development. We have determined there will be an annual positive impact of approximately $1,346,000 (rounded) for the municipality and school district, or $639 annually per household, or $240 per resident, from the proposed development.
What will be the overall economic impact?
Overall, the combination of construction and permanent jobs is projected to be 730 jobs. Furthermore, these jobs have the effect of adding $47 Million in annual wages, an average salary of $68,161, which translates into an hourly wage of $32.77 per hour for the average worker.
What environmental impacts will occur?
Part of the planning board review is to assure the environmental impact statement is in strict compliance with all NJDEP regulations including impacts to regulated features.
What will the sound impact be due traffic and operations?
A noise analysis will be submitted to the planning board to assure compliance with all local, state, and federal noise requirements.
Will there be hazardous materials stored on site?
All federal and state requirements regarding the storage of hazardous materials will be strictly followed.

There may be small amount of hazardous materials on-site that are typical of warehouses. (Oil/fuel/propane/etc).
Will train cars have access to site of be stored on site?
This application does not request approval for a rail spur. The Planning Board would need to approve any request in the future.
What are the Variances being requested by this application?
The project will be seeking a use variance for a non-permitted use within the office research district. The new project will also seek a variance to the required number of parking spaces and prohibition of off street parking for certain yard setbacks. The existing previously approved variances for non-conforming side and front yard setback on the office portion of the lot will remain. A previously approved rear yard setback non-conformity for the lot will be increased to a 39 foot rear yard setback.
What is being proposed in this application?
A 100% affordable, residential development, consisting of 316 townhomes.
How many new residents will this development bring?
The current third-party estimate is 1,031 occupants.
How will schools be impacted?
Projections drawn from the available planning resources shows an estimated 250 new students - a 39% increase in enrollment.
What are the traffic impacts of the proposed development?
161 peak PM hour passenger vehicle trip generation
Will my taxes be impacted?
Expert analysis has indicated that the municipal revenues generated from the project will be $67,000 compared to costs of $200,000, which yields a net negative deficit of $133,000 (rounded) for the municipality. In addition, school district revenues of $429,000 compared to costs of $6,257,000, which yields a net negative deficit of $5,828,000 (rounded).

Combining these component calculations indicates total annual public revenues of $496,000 (rounded) compared to projected costs of $6,457,000, for an overall net negative deficit of $5,961,000 (rounded). This equates to a deficit of $3,198 per household.
What will be the overall economic impact?
It is anticipated that 425 temporary construction jobs will be created. Upon completion, there is $1,250,000 in additional local retail spending projected, annually.
What are the variances being requested by this application?
This proposal conforms with Township zoning regulations and requires NO variances.